i liked it
like everyone says. controls are very touchy. plus i dont like having to use space as jump. im too used to up
i liked it
like everyone says. controls are very touchy. plus i dont like having to use space as jump. im too used to up
pretty awesome. there should have been more variety in pickups. but that was aweosme.
its another boring defense shooter. it was the same as any other. the physics were kind of off sometimes. like if i put the cursor closer to the character he would shoot in almost a straight line. whereas if i put it farther from him its like he barely shot the arrow at all. maybe that was just me. anywho. it was okay. but nothing new or interesting.
wrong place
i respect that your trying to share this with NG and all, but this just isnt the place for it. it is not a game, it is not a flash movie, i dont think it is considered art. maybe you could build an army of them, take a picture, and put it in the art section. but not here. find another sight.
is it possible to die? haha excellent game. this is more difficult than IWBTG. haha i would actually be interested playing a whole game rather than just the boss fight. maybe have many chandeliers hanging every where so you can kill the minions? anyways. 5/5
pretty awesome.
pretty fun. one of the levels i just couldnt get past because of those twirly spinny knife things. the just eat away at my health. and the level is riddled with them. meanwhile i gotta fight off a magic dude and a dude with a gun. its pretty ridiculous. you should have given him a shadow so i could land on top of the spinny things. that was my biggest problem, i couldnt see where i was gonna land.
couldve been better. you should have made the sonar a bit easier to see. i didnt get the point of the ball at first. also... never ever make space the jump button unless up/W is already in use. people tend to work around it even if it is in use.
fun game
its not very original, then again nothing in this world is. i had fun the only reason i kept playing it was my obsessive need to finish things i start... i hate games where you have to get "mochicoins" in order to get certain thing... just let us f*cking play.
mouse avoiders have always been fun. i like your rendition alot. revampiong things is always fun
Thanks for playing it and I'm psyched you found my take on avoiders fun.
friggin sweet
the only problem i had with it was p[layer speed versus alien speed. during the boss fight i found myself constantly dying because the aliens were getting too close and i couldnt shoot them.
Age 31, Male
Joined on 3/27/09